My 9-year-old son thinks I should run less and spend that time training for "American Ninja Warrior." But apart from the fact that I'm built like a distance runner, not a gymnast, after seeing one dude press so hard against the apparatus that HE POPPED HIS FREAKING SHOULDER OUT OF ITS SOCKET, I have very little interest in trying that kind of stuff. (Fortunately for that competitor, one of the other competitors happened to be an emergency room doctor, who came over and popped the shoulder back into place.)
Well, there's also the fact that I'm a fortysomething now. But that excuse won't hold any water, considering that there's a guy nicknamed "Grandpa Ninja" who's 54!!! Of course, that guy is amazingly ripped for being 54. Or even if he were 35. He doesn't look like a distance runner.
I'll stick to running and chasing a sub-20 minute 5K. And then resetting that goal to sub-19 minutes, etc.