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November 19, 2010


Matthew Lewis


Ghailani is accused of taking part in the 1998 US Embassy bombing in Libya. Does that fall under the AUMF? Under what authority would he be detained indefinitely?

Perhaps more importantly, is he any less likely to win a challenge to indefinite detention under the AUMF due to the unique circumstances of his crime than to his criminal verdict?

And finally, if his sentence is successfully appealed, I have no doubt that the DoJ would just hold him indefinitely as an enemy combatant anyway. So it's really not as if Cal appealed and won. It's more like Cal appealed and was declared winner, but Oregon stayed undefeated and Cal still had the loss on their record.

Tung Yin

There are some issues with the outer boundaries of the AUMF, such as whether people who knowingly donate to al Qaeda fall within its terms. But I don't think there's any question that Ghailani would fit within the "core" of al Qaeda and therefore within the "enemy" as defined by Congress.

I agree that the Obama Administration would simply continue to detain him even if he were to win his appeal. But doesn't that seem like a pretty bad outcome? It'll look like the trial was just a sham if it wouldn't affect Ghailani's ultimate disposition.

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