I gather there's some kind of Portland-Seattle rivalry, so it shouldn't be surprising that our local CBS affiliate's 11 pm newscast has just spent the last few minutes showing us scenes of cars attempting . . . and failing . . . to drive in hilly, snowy conditions. In Seattle.
There were videos of two different cars sliding down hills, ending their slides only by crashing into other cars. And one of a city bus sliding so wildly that it did a 180 degree turn during the slide.
It does make me look toward Portland as being somewhat more competent, since last night's news cast showed city officials putting chains on our TriMet buses.
Ah, Seattle.
On the other hand, Portland seems to be spending huge amounts of money on streetcars, light rail, and bike lanes.
Posted by: anon | November 24, 2010 at 11:19 AM
Yes, that is true. I am looking forward to my opportunity in 2012 to vote against Mayor Sam Adams.
Posted by: Tung Yin | November 24, 2010 at 12:11 PM