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January 01, 2007



I think that's absolutely correct, but I have no evidence, other than having heard the pilot announce he would try to make up the delay time during the flight. How else could they make up the time than by flying faster?


Hm... I do know that busier and larger airports airports tack on extra time to arrivals and departures because of the time needed to get in line for takeoff and maneuver to/from the gate.

For example, actual flight time from Oakland to LAX and Burbank is approximately the same, yet the scheduled time is longer to LAX.


I had a similar experience returning from Raleigh-Durham after xmas. The flight was delayed by about an hour, but we arrived in Chicago only 10 minutes late. The pilot explained that he would try to make up the delay time by flying faster than originally planned. So ... I'd say your hypothesis is correct.


suppost to be management have done to that poblem. coz if that problem will be like that many passenger would go thru to the company..

Travel Guy

Yes, airlines do fly faster when possible to "catch up". Also, they are sometimes given priority in take-off/landing "lines" if that makes sense.

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