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April 13, 2006



hey cousin tung, glad you're ok. good job winning in softball too!


Glad you're safe, Prof. If there are any homeless sorority girls, I'm willing to do my part to help!

Tung Yin

Milbarge, as it turns out, a sorority house *was* damaged by the tornado . . . .


Jeez.... Glad you're okay.
That's why I like it here in DC. No toranados to worry about--only homicides, crack dealers, and terrorists crashing planes.

Iowa Law Alum

Any damage to the law-school?

Tung Yin

No, the law school seems fine. The tornado path didn't sweep by the law school.


Good game, Section Ten. I was disappointed to see our victory slip away but having been a Red Sox fan since before the 2004 WS, I'm used to such things.I should point out that whatever reports you received about Section Nine actually practicing were false.

Section Nine had a post-game cookout at my house, which eventually relocated to my basement when it became clear that the warning sirens were serious. We happily occupied ourselves playing Catch Phrase but emerged to discover that much of the city was in varying states of damage and despair. (My neighborhood, east of Riverside and south of Burlington, was spared.) For all involved it was the most memorable small section party ever.


We used to live near Finkbine, and used to go to that Dairy Queen all the time. Amazing that it's gone.

Jack M.

I'll stay here in PA...no tornadoes here

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