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August 25, 2005



Can't even begin to explain how absolutely wrong Althouse is on this one--absolutely, positively, 100 percent, 180 degrees completely wrong. So keep wearing those shorts, professor, and show those gams with pride!


I think I have always commented on your t-shirt, shorts and baseball cap look when I did see one on you. Yeah you do look young...... but casual dressing conveys a lot more friendliness, and that is definitely welcomed at ILS too.

I always wore at least semi-business formal to work when I was interning this summer...... I would wear at least a nice skirt, that could be without the suit jacket. I did not once wear jeans even for Fridays....

I don't know, I feel better about work when I dress up. But that's just me. I am actually

Tung Yin

I think I have always commented on your t-shirt, shorts and baseball cap look when I did see one on you

Hmm, except I don't think I've worn a baseball cap while I've been at Iowa. . . .


Actually, Prof Yin, I've seen you wearing a baseball cap at one of our RA meetings. Can't remember what team, though...it must've been the LA/Anaheim Angels.

Tung Yin

Odd, I don't have an Angels cap. (Which is too bad, because I really liked the old Angels' logo, with the halo over the A.) I do have a Cal Berkeley baseball cap, but I don't think I've worn it here at Iowa, except maybe for a softball game.


Style of dress matters, and clothing in American law schools should reflect good, traditional values. A tie with regimental stripes has a lot more class than a polo shirt or any other form of Apimp chic. Legal-academic attire should complement the majesty of the law. The world of law practice may be moving back to serious dress.

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