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September 22, 2004



When are sweeps again? Seems to me like you would want to try to start it during sweeps and end it during sweeps, if possible.


Congrats to Chip and Kim!! I am very excited they won!

I agree with everything you said, except I do think that Colin and Christie would have won even without the driving on the shoulder if they got the earlier flight, but they didn't get that flight and that was their fault for not checking the flights to make sure they were on time. Perhaps the only major mistake they made the whole race.


They still might have won had they not been so foolish as to check their baggage through to Dallas and eliminate the possibility of finding a faster connection out of Denver.


I hate C&C's personalities, but I was rooting for them in the end simply because they proved time and time again that they were perhaps the strongest racers ever on The Amazing Race. I was disappointed that C&K's mistakes in Calgary were rewarded and led to them winning the race.

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