Via Tomfoolery comes this dumb quiz:
You are Maureen Dowd! You like to give people silly
nicknames and write in really short, non
sequitur paragraphs. You're the most playful of
the columnists and a rock-ribbed liberal, but
are often accused of being too flamboyant and
frivolous. You tend to focus on style over
substance, personality over politics. But your
heart is in the right place. Plus, you are a
total fox.
Which New York Times Op-Ed Columnist Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
I really have no idea how this came about. I am so ashamed.
UPDATE: A reader suggests that I be proud of my result and embrace my "inner Maureen." I'm not sure how embracing my inner
I'm Bob Herbert. And frankly, I enjoy Dowd's columns for the entertainment value, though I'm not sure how much substance they bring to the table.
Posted by: Matt | April 06, 2004 at 07:46 AM
That is a sad result for you, Tung, as I know just how much you admire Dowd. I am Nicholas D. Kristof. (Never heard of him.)
"You enjoy travelling, going as far as China, Africa, Alaska, and Central America for a good story. You use a lot of quotes and references in your stories. You tackle tough issues like AIDS and religion, which makes you controversial among Christians. You're a good man [huh, woman], Nicholas D. Kristof."
Posted by: Prof. Yin's Wife | April 06, 2004 at 09:59 AM
Professor Yin,
I also am Maureen Dowd, and have no clue why. Perhaps we should both take comfort in the fact that at least we are total foxes?
Posted by: belinda | April 06, 2004 at 10:36 AM
Kristof is the Times' foreign policy wonk columnist--sort of the Bob Herbert equivalent for foreign policy.
Posted by: Matt | April 06, 2004 at 10:40 AM
haha! Maureen Dowd! Seriously I need to start going to Lugosi's site first to get the real news instead of your Trumped-up partisan nonsense!
Also, as I am Thomas L. Friedman, I don't know why I go here anyways, it seems we have nothing in common...
Don't compare Kristof to the lame Bob Herbert, Herbert couldn't even fabricate an interesting story. Plus, he's nuts! Didn't he write a column chastizing the US for evacuating Aristide?
Posted by: Jeff Findel | April 06, 2004 at 01:54 PM
What columnist did you want to be?
Posted by: Tonya Brito | April 06, 2004 at 09:43 PM
"What columnist did you want to be?"
Hmm, interesting question. Since I don't read the NYT regularly, I actually don't know the columnists very well. Tom Friedman seems like a smart guy, but I was disappointed in his most recent book, which seemed like 300 pages of the same column over and over, which was that Israel and Palestine should agree to divided territories.
I'm not sure I'd enjoy all that traveling, but Kristof seems pretty good.
Posted by: Tung Yin | April 06, 2004 at 09:54 PM