Wisconsin lawprof Tonya Brito blogs about "American Idol":
Fantasia, Jasmine, Jennifer and LaToya were all spectacular. In my view, this show is really just a contest between these 4 women. Yes, I know that George is good too (and tonight he was great), but he doesn't have their star quality. Maybe Simon is right and George does smile too much. I wonder if he could develop a style that was less eager and enthusiastic and little more attitude. I suppose though that if the show's handlers were able to help Clay become cool, they can help George become a bit more chill. They need to help him get rid of that goofy bounce as well.
I didn't think that those women were "spectacular" tonight, but I did think they were all quite good and probably the best of the night, although I also thought that Diana was good. The guys, on the other hand, were not very good. Poor John Stevens seems to be able only to sing one kind of song, and I doubt we're going to have a Sinatra night this season. Would it be better for him to booted? Here's one viewer who thinks so.
However, I have to believe that Simon is right and that Camille finally gets booted this week. She has been simply awful throughout the finals. It sounds like she is singing through her nose and that she can't remember the lyrics, so everything comes out mumbled and nasal.
And to think that Martha "Army Girl" Krabill didn't even get invited back to Hollywood. She may not be in the class of LaToya, Fantasia, et al., but she is sure better than some of the finalists. . . .
My top four (in no particular order) are Fantasia, George, Latoya and Jennifer. Jasmine can be good, but she's too inconsistent. The others are all riding the crap wagon. Last night was awful--Conan Jr. is in way over his head, and Camille is painful to watch. If I had a message for the people of Hawai'i, it would be, "stop voting for this poor girl. You're humiliating her. You're embarassing her. Do you really want to see a fellow Islander go before an audience of millions on national TV and wet herself every week? Stop voting for her!"
Posted by: tom | April 07, 2004 at 09:02 AM
For me the competition is between just George and LaToya. Fantasia screams sometimes and has this weird "yeah, yeah, yeah-yah-yeah" thing at the end of each of her songs.
And Professor Brito wants to get rid of George's bounce? That's his signature move. You get rid of the bounce, you get rid of George.
Back to Fantasia -- did anyone else catch, after she was done singing, Simon say to Randy with his microphone on -- "You can do it" or something like that? As if he was trying to get Randy to say something critical about Fantasia.
I think there has to be quite a few people who didn't make the finals who are sitting at home wondering how Camille made it and they didn't.
Posted by: Jason Steffens | April 07, 2004 at 11:46 AM
For Idol Info check-out:
Posted by: Best Of American Idol | July 23, 2004 at 04:44 PM